Tucan Manager Development Overview

Tucan Manager Development Overview

Source Code Repository

The code is hosted at Google Code using Mercurial. To get a working copy of the development version use the following command:

hg clone https://tucan.googlecode.com/hg/ tucan-hg

Bug Reporting

Anybody can report bugs or request new features at our Tracker. Read throughout the open issues and avoid making duplicates.

When reportig a bug use our report dialog from LogView and remember to paste the Report ID on the summary field.

Thanks for your help in keeping the database clean and useful for all.


We always need a hand or two. So if you are willing to help with the development, why not join the team?

There are also other areas where you could be of great help, like documentation and localization.

Even if you don’t feel confident with the code, we need your assistance testing the development version or helping other users at the forum.