Tucan Manager Support

Tucan Manager Support


The first step when you are having trouble is to read the documentation, it has information about installation, configuration and functionalities.

There is also a FAQ and a tutorial about plugin implementation.

Community Forum

If you could not solve your problem with the documentation help, its time to ask at the forum.

Use the search utility to find previous posts related to the issue. If there isn’t any, create a new thread stating as concisely as possible your problem and give the most information so that we can reproduce it.

Remember that the community is composed by users like you, so be polite and try to help as well.

IRC Channel

Join the chat room #tucan at chathispano.com using your usual irc client or webchat.

There you can discuss with the developer team and other users about bugs, features or anything related to Tucan.

Download Softwares Support

Download Tucan Manager

File sharing as free and open as it should be.

Tucan Manager is a free file sharing application designed for 1-Click Hosters. Fast and lightweight, Tucan is fully open-source and compatible with Windows, GNU/Linux, and MacOSX.

With Tucan’s modular support for the principal Hosters, captcha resolution, interchangeable links, premium user accounts, and many other great features, you’ll learn why users around the world are making the switch to free, open 1-Click Hosted file sharing.

Click Here to Download Tucan